At Newcastle Village Physiotherapy Acupuncture involves a specially trained Registered Physiotherapist inserting very thin needles into specific areas of the body.
Acupuncture has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is now a complementary treatment commonly used around the world.
The underlying principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the belief that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary natures of yin and yang and the life force known as Qi (pronounced “chi”). Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that illness is the consequence of an imbalance of these forces.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi flows through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are accessible through the many acupuncture points that have been painstakingly mapped in the body. Inserting needles into specific points with appropriate combinations is done to bring the energy flow Qi back into balance.
Benefits of acupuncture include the following:
People can effectively combine acupuncture with other treatments.
Effective acupuncture can help manage chronic pain, migraines, and headaches.
Acupuncture carries a low risk of side effects. It is a flexible form of treatment that can target numerous health concerns at once.
What to expect
The trained Physiotherapist will perform a professional physical assessment, assess your condition and, as necessary, insert one or more thin, sterile needles, into the appropriate combination of known acupuncture points.
Individuals will typically sit or lie down during the procedure.
The acupuncturist will only use single-use, disposable and sterile needles.
People may feel a very brief stinging or tingling sensation upon needle insertion.
They may then experience a dull ache at the base of the needle.
Typically, the needles will stay in place for 20–60 minutes, although this will vary depending on the procedure, and can be discontinued immediately upon request.
The number of treatments a person will need depends on their individual case. Someone with a chronic condition may need one or two treatments per week over several months. An acute health issue typically improves after 8–12 sessions.
At Newcastle Village Physiotherapy the treatment of Acupuncture is expertly combined with appropriate exercise prescription, and other complimentary therapies we offer, as part of a goal directed personalized Plan of Care designed to meet your individual needs.
You can explore the many skills we can use to help you by further exploring the other information available in this section of the website. You can also contact us at the Newcastle Village Physiotherapy Clinic by telephone or e-mail. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to book an appointment today.
We would welcome the chance to assist you with your physical recovery.