Are you looking for neck pain relief? The bones of your neck are medically called the “Cervical Spine”. The Neck is an extremely important part of everyday movement. It is responsible for pointing 4 of your 5 senses (Sight, Smell, Sound and Taste) in the proper direction where they will be most effective. Neck Pain can prevent you from functioning properly in your day-to-day life. Many people are able to find relief from their neck pain with the help of physiotherapy.
Common difficulties in effectively treating many types of Neck Pain
The neck is one of the most complex structures in the body and certainly in the skeleton. The neck begins with a two-bone complex that transitions the bottom of your skull with the rest of the spine. The neck also abruptly transitions with the Thorax which is the area of the spine called “the ribcage”.
It is vital to recognize these transition areas and how they interact together to create smooth fluid movement when they are healthy and the ways they can malfunction when they are not healthy. Some common conditions that give your neck pain include:
Joint Degeneration | Compressed Nerves | Whiplash Injuries | Muscle strains
Our physiotherapy approach at Newcastle Village Physiotherapy always involves a comprehensive physical assessment by the most experienced team of Physiotherapists in the Newcastle area. We are extremely familiar with the structures of the neck, appropriate postures, their mobility requirements, the ways the neck transition zones interact and the many ways that this complex structure can be affected.
Once assessed an individualized plan will be created just for you. Together we will work as a team to remove the source of the impairment. Proper positioning and restoring the natural balance within the cervical spine can be achieved with posture correction, strengthening, stretching and manual therapy, mobility exercises, and education. Together we will work to help you reduce your Neck pain while rebuilding and restoring the function of this important area.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to book an appointment today.