Dry needling is a technique that our trained Physiotherapist uses to treat specifically appropriate musculoskeletal pain and movement issues. It’s always used as part of a larger treatment plan that could include exercise, stretching, massage and other complimentary treatments.
During this treatment our Physiotherapist inserts single-use, thin, sterile, sharp needles through your skin to treat underlying myofascial trigger points. In the word “myofascial,” “Myo” means “muscle.” Fascia is the thin, white connective tissue wrapped around your muscles.
Trigger points are knotted, tender areas that develop in your muscles. These trigger points are highly sensitive and can be painful when touched. Sometimes, a trigger point may be near the location of your pain. But they are often the cause of referred pain as well.
Our Physiotherapist uses needles to alleviate your trigger points. When dry needling is applied to your muscles and other body tissues, it can result in a decrease in tightness, increase in blood flow and a reduction in local and referred pain. Providers use solid needles that don’t contain any kind of medication. This is why the technique is called “dry.” Nothing is injected into your body.
How Does Dry Needling Work?
When your muscle is overused, it can go into an energy crisis where the muscle fibers aren’t getting an adequate blood supply. When they don’t get the normal blood supply, they don’t get the oxygen and nutrients that allow your muscle to go back to its normal resting state.
When this happens, the tissue near your trigger point becomes more acidic. Your nerves are sensitized, which makes the area sore and painful. Stimulating a trigger point with a needle helps draw normal blood supply back to flush out the area and release tension. The prick sensation can also activate nerve fibers that stimulate your brain to release Endorphins, your body’s homemade pain medication.
Once your therapist locates a trigger point, they’ll insert a needle through your skin directly into it. They might move the needle around a little to try to get what’s called a local twitch response — a quick spasm of your muscle. This reaction can be a good sign that your muscle is reacting. Some people feel improvement in their pain and mobility almost immediately after a dry needling session. For others, it takes more than one session.
Does Dry Needling Hurt?
Trigger points are usually painful to the touch. So, before the needling, you may experience some pain while your provider is locating the trigger point.
You may also feel discomfort during the needling. Sometimes, people don’t feel the needle going in because it’s so thin, but other times, people will feel a prick. When the needle is in the trigger point, it can be painful and cause a twitch response. Afterward, you may feel tightness or soreness near the insertion site, but it’s important to keep moving and stretching.
What Happens Before a Dry Needling Treatment?
Before any dry needling treatment, your Physiotherapist will go over your medical history and perform a comprehensive physical assessment. They will determine if dry needling is the right treatment for you. If they think you’re a candidate, they will carefully explain how the treatment works and answer any questions you may have.
On the day of your treatment, you should dress comfortably in loose clothing. Wear something that allows your Physiotherapist to easily access the treatment area. Otherwise, you will be given a gown or covering.
What Happens During a Dry Needling Treatment?
First, your provider will sterilize the treatment area and prepare the needle. The needles are always single-use, sterile and disposable. Then, they’ll use one hand or their fingers to feel the area to locate the trigger point. With their other hand, they’ll place the needle — surrounded by a plastic guide tube — over the area. The guide tube helps your provider accurately tap the needle into place while working with one hand
Your provider will gently tap the needle into the top layer of your skin (epidermis) and discard the guide tube. The technique your provider uses may vary. Common dry-needling techniques include:
Superficial: Your provider will insert the needle 5 to 10 millimeters into the bottom layer of your skin above the trigger point
Deep: Your provider will insert the needle beyond the subcutaneous tissue deep into your muscle to penetrate the trigger point.
Depending on the technique, your provider may leave the needle in place for as short as two seconds to as long as 20 minutes. They may also use the pistoning technique. Also called the in-and-out technique, this method involves your provider quickly moving the needle up and down through the tissue.
Your provider may only use one to two needles during your first treatment. Once they see your response to the method, your provider may start using more needles. It depends on your condition. For instance, up to 10 to 15 needles along your spine can be used for a very complex back treatment.
During the treatment, you may feel muscle soreness or twitching. These sensations are normal and a sign that your muscles are responding to the treatment
What Happens After a Dry Needling Procedure?
After your dry needling treatment, your provider will remove the needle and examine your skin for any reactions. They’ll dispose of the needle in a specialized medical sharps disposal container.
Your provider will then have you get up slowly. If you’re experiencing any dizziness, they’ll have you sit down and rest before leaving the office.
After your treatment, make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You may experience increased muscle soreness after the treatment but it’s important to keep moving. This is normal and may last for 24 to 36 hours. You could see some bruising near the treated area. This bruising may last for up to a week.
At Newcastle Village Physiotherapy Dry Needling is expertly combined with appropriate exercise prescription, and other complimentary therapies we offer, as part of a goal directed personalized Plan of Care designed to meet your individual needs.
You can explore the many skills we can use to help you by further exploring the other information available in this section of the website. You can also contact us at the Newcastle Village Physiotherapy Clinic by telephone or e-mail. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or to book an appointment today.
We would welcome the chance to assist you with your physical recovery.